Temporary translation site

For translations too long for alt text or a Twitter thread, and a bit too short/irrelevant for my personal website.

Sato's blog on her condition; 2021.06.04

The reason I’m taking a break:

As you folks know, I have IBS. It’s not like it’s always sore, but because I don’t know when, why, or what triggers my crippling pain, I’m resting.

Let me explain why.

Our job deals with customers (e.g. On this day you’ll do an event here, a concert, etc.!!), and our job is built on our commitments to the staff and you folks: we have to show up.

But in my case at the moment, if I can’t 100% keep that commitment and there’s even 1% of doubt I can't show up, I decided I’ll rest.

It’s my decision, but I know it burdens you folks (of course), but also the staff and fellow members. But if I were to say, “I can’t go” and change the original plans, then after I say that,
the staff would have to apologize for my absence to the fans on my behalf, it’d go on paper (flyers, news articles, etc.), the company would have to make a statement, and the other members will have to apologize to the fans, too. In all, it’s probably about 100 people I’d be burdening with that one “I can’t go.”

If I went further, I’m sure there are more people I’d be causing trouble to with my absence.

Thus, I’d personally like to wait until I can 100% keep my commitments.

I’m probably causing a lot of trouble to my manager about the plans for the next day, and not knowing what’ll happen if I can’t make it the day after. But I’d like to go fully at 100%, so I ask for your patience.

Like I said, it’s not like I’m sickly all the time.

It’s that sometimes I suddenly can’t move at all.

Sorry for the length of this.


Japanese-English translations. Mainly H!P/Morning Musume. For educational purposes only; no copyright infringement intended. 和英翻訳垢。(He/Him or They/Them)


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